Ageless Active: How My Hearing Aids Brought Me Joy

I did not remember a time when I ever thought about hearing aids (other than when we had my 79-year-old Mom fitted for them).  However, that all changed earlier this year when at 63 I decided to investigate my hearing.  My habit of continually asking family and friends to repeat what they said drove my interest. 

You may remember that I worked with CEENTA, Charlotte Eye Ear Nose, and Throat due to their expertise as a respected resource in my area.  I quickly found out that I too would be joining my mom and needed hearing aids.

I was presented with questions about my lifestyle, my daily activity, and CEENTA recommended the Oticon More™ hearing aids. Why? Because they advised me that based on my lifestyle, Oticon would give me the highest quality hearing for my needs.   From the day I received my hearing aids and instantly heard better to today, I can tell you that my life has dramatically improved.  I put them on first thing in the morning and take them off at the end of every night.  

My Oticon More hearing aids provide me with wonderful sound quality, and I haven’t had an issue.  If I am in a noisy place, I simply increase my volume from the app on my phone or use the sound booster on the same.  My hearing aids are rechargeable.  I also ordered a convenient SmartCharger that recharges them fully in 3 hours and makes it easy for travel.  

One day I left my house and did not put my hearing aids in, and I felt naked.  I decided that I would not make that mistake again as it did affect the quality of my day and each conversation. 

I was worried that people may notice my hearing aids. However, this has never happened. They are silver, the color of my hair and blend in perfectly.  The only time they come up in conversation is when I bring them up!  I want people (of every age) that are struggling to hear properly, to know they have a solution and that hearing aids have come a long way.  

Ways in which my life has improved:

Conversations with my husband, my children, with my grandchildren and business associates.  There is joy in being able to hear, not strain to hear the spoken word.  My hearing aids have made life better.  If you would have told me 6 months ago that I would feel like this, I may not have believed you.  Now I completely understand.  

After sharing my happiness with Oticon directly, they asked if I would be interested in doing a video testimonial about my experience. I was happy to oblige and thought you might want to hear it for yourself HERE. It was such a fun experience and hopefully, my experience will help others to not miss out on the joy of hearing.



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